Friday, December 26, 2014

Big Hero 6

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Therese, Tamara, Naomi, Sam, Tom, Jess, Jim

Disney's first Marvel animated film. Gotta love synergy. Great to see a 3D animated action film that's filled with incredible visuals and designs. There were some segments where the world design and lightning look incredibly realistic. It's a pretty standard hero origin story, this time all our protagonists have the power of SCIENCE! Much like Tony Stark, they make their own tech.

And the heart of the film is Baymax, and the relationship between Hiro and his brother. There's enough touching moments to make you care and enough funny moments to make you laugh. The rest is some cool 3D action, so what's not to love?

As usual, there's an end credit scene, and a Stan Lee cameo. He now comes in animated form.

It's certainly a different kind of movie for Disney animation but one I hope they'll continue in between their usual endless parade of princess musicals.

Screens with a short, Feast, about a dog with an appetite. It was ok.

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