Thursday, August 28, 2014

If I Stay

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes

Once again, seeing an average film in Gold Class, this time with the entire cinema to myself, really makes for a much more enjoyable experience but probably coloured my appreciation of the film. It's a weepy little coming of age story of a girl trapped in limbo, remembering her life and figuring out some big decisions.

R.J. Cutler is the latest documentarian to make the jump to narrative features and he's made a pretty good looking film. The young cast make the relationship believable enough to invest in. But the jumping back and forward became a little annoying and although they resolve the biggest question of the film everything else is left unresolved. It certainly makes a statement but after a whole film of getting us to invest in these decisions and not have any of them made by the end, it's a little frustrating. There's a sequel book though, so, who knows.

It's a little wishy-washy for my tastes but certainly a great deal better than some recent young romance films.

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