Friday, October 18, 2013


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler, Tom

A very grim and quite lengthy police procedural, thoroughly engaging with some great showcase acting for the male leads and beautifully shot by Roger Deakins. Although it's long, the pace never really lets up, the tension is always there and they do cover quite a bit of ground which allows for some twists and turns along the way.

While I don't normally go for procedurals this is far more focused on the drama, the effects of a tragic incident on everyone involved. Pretty much none of the characters make it through these events unscathed and some of them practically embrace their dark side to cope.

This is easily the scariest Hugh Jackman has ever been on screen. I wish we saw more of this rage in the Wolverine movies. Jake Gyllenhaal's detective is methodical and introverted. It's a subtler performance by comparison but even his character has lapses of control. The supporting cast are all great as well, although Viola Davis and Maria Bello aren't really given much to do.

It's hard to say it's an enjoyable experience but it's certainly riveting and looks and sounds top notch. Be prepared for a long watch though as the snowball effect of one bad deed birthing more not only takes its toll on the characters, but the audience as well. (I.e., don't think it's a good idea to drink one and a half frozen cokes while watching or your bladder might explode.)

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