Tuesday, December 25, 2012


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Well, it his all the story structure beats as something like, say, Pitch Perfect, but it feels much classier, for a few reasons. Here, our subject is opera singing. Instead of a cast of American teens we get cream of the crop of the British octogenarian thespians. The film also manages to be much more subtle about how it hits all those story beats, so it flows quite naturally.

I thought some of it might have actually been too subtle, there was plenty more drama to be milked out of these situations. But Dustin Hoffman, directing his first feature, and screenwriter Ronald Harwood, who's adapting his own play, seem to be content to leave things on the level instead of going over the top, which makes for an easily palatable experience but not a particularly memorable one.

Still, it's sometimes great to just watch these guys chew the scenery.

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