Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

First day of school holidays, Cheap Tuesday, cinema in a shopping center in the sticks... What the hell was I thinking?

And yet I hold no great ill will towards the film. It wasn't that bad. Sure it's just more of this kid getting embarrassed but I think, despite no having much to do with the dog at all, the vignettes worked together to form a more cohesive whole this time.

The completist in me wanted to see this one, after sitting through the first two. And surly it's going to be the last anyway, otherwise they'll have to change the title to wimpy teen. And this is the first one I saw at the cinema.

Well, it's not enthralling and a lot of it is just stupid and obvious but there's much worse kid's entertainment out there.

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