Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Sapphires

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Jordan

Didn't know about the stage musical but the film was fine. A sure crowd pleaser.

When they label something as a musical, I usually expect characters to sing original songs about their lives or the plot, but this just occasionally shows the girls performing a number, so I'd hardly call it a musical.

The film hits all the beats you would expect, we've seen this story done many times before. I know it's based on a true story but I feel like a lot of the truth has been squished and mangled or exaggerated to fit this tried and true formula we all know.

There are a couple of rather large world events that are brushed over or used in a way that could feel exploitative. I guess it keeps the focus on the girls  and provides some context which is fine but it just felt like they were throwing stuff in to try and pull at the heartstrings any way they could.

Also despite the happy uplifting ending, only one of the girls personal storylines was actually wrapped up. I guess the rest are hinted at or just not important but when they spend all that time in the middle of the film talking about love life to have it amount to nothing is a little frustrating.

This film has some fx work in it that look about the level of what I can pull off on my old laptop. I guess it's passable enough that the target audience wouldn't really care but I sure as hell notice. And it mainly looks to be things that could have easily been shot on set too.

The songs are enjoyable though and how they got Chris O'Dowd I don't know but thank god they did because he's just charming and wonderful throughout.

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