Friday, March 9, 2012

Certified Copy

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

I missed this one at the cinema last year. It had some awards buzz and I do like Juliette Binoche, plus being a lesser known foreign film I hadn't seen any trailers and had no idea what it was about, which I love.

Turns out this film is like a very bitter Before Sunrise, coming in at a point in the relationship where both parties seem to be giving up. We follow them walking around Tuscany, talking all intellectual like about art and life and it's left open ended.

What's really odd is that the film doesn't start out with the characters the way it ends. It's all done very open to interpretation but there is a definite shift at the halfway point of the film. I don't know if they change characters, or if they start pretending or if they were always different people but the shift is gradual enough to be a little confusing. Intentionally so I think, and given all the talk of copies and reproductions being as good as the real thing I think they are making the same point about this relationship. Wether it is real or not it's still engaging.

It's a simple little film with an intriguing idea at the centre of it. And a lot of talking about it. Also I've decided the Italian country side, while photographed beautifully, doesn't appeal to me.

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