Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Silent House

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Well, still relatively new release anyway.

People always ask me if technical knowledge of knowing how films are made ruins the magic of watching them. For the most part, no it hasn't but unfortunately for a film like this my knowledge of the camera it was shot on only being able to film 12 minutes at a time kind of ruined the whole "shot in one take" gimmick and I spent most of the film watching for the cuts rather than paying attention to the story.

Of course the problem with filming in real time is it does tend to leave a lot of stretches of not much happening. I guess this works to build tension in a horror film but until that first big scare the stakes aren't set and you don't know what you should be gearing up for, so the start is pretty boring.

And the payoff of this one feels like a bit of a cheat compared to what happened preceding it. If works fine I guess and I thought the film was ok overall but not one of the best I've seen of late.

Still glad to have seen this first before the American remake comes out. I've had the dvd for a while but never got around to watching it. If you do watch it stay through the brief end credit sequence and there's another good 6 minutes of film after that.

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