Saturday, January 14, 2012


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Amberly, Jordan

More propaganda from Martin Scorsese for his film preservation society.

I enjoyed the movie however perhaps not as much as I was hoping too. I found it perfectly sweet and all and of course absolutely loved everything to do with Georges Méliès, which was really the main reason I wanted to see the film. The other was to see Martin Scorsese in 3D land and boy it's something to behold. Even in the crappy Dolby Digital 3D cinema I saw it in. And to see those silent shorts cleaned up and some subtly put into 3D is rather a treat as well.

Where I have problems with the film is the kids and their story. I've never liked Asa Butterfield and while I've loved Chloë Grace Moretz before I didn't find the two of them at all interesting. Nor did I appreciate the side stories around the station that didn't seem to serve any purpose other than get some famous actors in the film and pad the running time. Oh and perhaps give the kids something to find amusing. I mean really, for a film that's advertised as a kids adventure I don't know how many would be able to sit through all the dialogue and a film history lecture, fascinating though it may be.

But I loved everything with Ben Kingsley and Helen McCrory. I loved all the recreations of those shorts and seeing excerpts from A Trip to the Moon on the big screen, an added bonus.

On the technical side of things the film is just immaculate. The production design is gorgeous, the lighting beautiful. I've mentioned the 3D and it's worth mentioning again. Awesome. The FX work is really great, the score by Howard Shore is really nice and I love the colour palette they went for which is rather reminiscent of a Technicolor two strip from the period.

There's a lot to enjoy here and while some things never clicked for me I'd still like to give it another look, if only to see the 3D again.

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