Thursday, February 10, 2011

Troll Hunter

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

I have been trying to see this film for a long time. I'm pleased to report it was every bit as fun as I hoped it would be.

Lots of people are sick of the whole amateur shaky cam mockumentary style movie. I happen to love the device, especially when it's done well. While I understand it wasn't for everyone, Cloverfield was my second favourite film of 2009. I think you can do a lot with the it if you know what you are doing.

This time, not being Norwegian, I found it harder to pick up the subtext, if any, of the Troll attacks and any metaphors or cultural significance this might have. I feel like they were in there but I just don't know enough about Norway to pick them up. Apparently there were a few famous Norwegian comedians that made cameos in this. I didn't recognise anyone, I think the only other norwegian mockumentary film I've seen that comes to mind is the hilarious Get Ready to Be Boyzvoiced. This film is funny but there are a few sequences that are surprisingly tense as well.

You don't see too much of the Trolls, there are 4 attack sequences, 5 if you count the first one where you don't actually witness anything. The trolls themselves are beautifully designed and executed. They look like very old fashioned original designs from folklore books. Each one is unique. Sometimes their animation is a little stiff but who the hell knows what 50 ft trolls move like anyway.

The rest of the time we are following some University film students trying to make a documentary originally on bear hunting that turns into something much more dangerous and interesting. There is a sequence where they become trapped in a mine that was equally tense and hilarious. It really manages to suck you in but when you check yourself and realise they are hiding from TROLLS you can't help but laugh at how seriously everyone is taking it.

And that's the key here, everyone in the cast is completely committed to selling these trolls and it did succeed for me every now and then. It's definitely a fun movie so keep an eye out for it in the future!

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